Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Stop-Motion Character Animation

         This assignment was lots of fun. I really enjoyed it. The first thing I did before I started this assignment was think an idea and prop I would use. I wanted something different but fun so I went and bought myself and little lego football player. It was perfect because it had joints that I could move around to make a perfect animation. The second thing I did to create this animation was fix my staging. I wanted something that I did not have to move around a lot so my coffee table was the perfect scene. Then I created a rough story board how I wanted the animation to play out. After that I was all set up to take shots and I didn't forget lighting too. Well here is the final work home you enjoy it as much as I did and thank you professor for making this assignment.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Outline for the Third Term Paper

1.      Introduction
a.       Introduce how films today use special effects in animation and live-action films.
b.      Thesis: In the films Twister and The Wizard of Oz, tornados are created using special visual effects to make the audience feel like there is an actual real life tornado in the shot.

2.      Twister
a.       In the film “Twister” Bill and Jo Harding, advanced storm chasers on the brink of divorce, must join together to create an advanced weather alert system by putting themselves in the cross-hairs of extremely violent tornadoes.
b.      ILM creates tornados in this film using a marriage of CG animation and compositing.
c.      Color levels are all consistent and the match-movie work is extraordinary.

3.      The Wizard of Oz
a.       In “The Wizard of Oz” Dorothy Gale is swept away to a magical land in a tornado and embarks on a quest to see the Wizard who can help her return home.
b.      The tornado is a thirty-five foot long muslin sock, inspired by those wind socks they have (or had) at airports. 
c.       Cloth with wind and dirt thrown on to it.
d.      This film was made in 1938, so special effects were nothing like they are today. It’s incredibly well done for it’s time.

4.      Conclusion
a.       Without using these amazing special effects the film would not have the same impact on its audience.

b.      These special effects in these films were very successful in their time and created believable tornados.  

My first two term paper scores were both above 80; I will not be writing a third term paper.

My first two term paper scores were both above 80; I will not be writing a third term paper.