Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Stop Motion Animation of Falling

This assignment was pretty awesome. I had a lot of fun planning and getting ideas for the film. But I have to say filming it was hard. If you did something different with the scene you had to shoot all over again. I first started this project with figuring out what I wanted to drop. I wanted something creative and that had not been done before. I have a tiny tea set and thought that was perfect. Then I made a story board, planed out my shots and timing. Then I shot whatever reference I could. Then we went to real shooting. I got set up made sure my lighting was good and went to work. That I think took the longest because I wanted just right and if anything changed in the background or something like that I had to start from the beginning again. So glad I had a trusty tripod and tape. Those both did wonders for me in helping me with my set. Overall I really liked this assignment so thank you professor for thinking of it. Hope you like it. Thank you. :)

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