Thursday, January 22, 2015


My name is Sara Cadena and I am an Animation/Illustration major here at San Jose State University. I have not taken many science classes during my college career, unless you count psychology and prehistoric life as science. But in high school I took bio and chem, chem was not a required course but I was good at it so I said why not lets good a good grade for that GPA. Now in art I've taken at least one art class every semester I've been here. I graduate in may so that will be 7 years in total of college life. Right now I am just taking this class and my BFA class which is sooooo hard but an amazing experience at the same time. When I finish school I am really interested in working for the film industry. Well really I just want to get a good full-time job when I graduate if its either in film or gaming or television, but film is the goal. I love Disney and everything about it so to work for them would of course be my dream! Well that pretty much sums me up :)

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